Thursday, June 22, 2017

Perbedaan am dan pm dalam waktu

Bahasa Inggris itu memang sulit bagi sebagian orang dan begitu mudah bagi sebagian orang yang lain. Apalagi untuk orang inggris itu sendiri kan?
Sekarang kita bahas yang sederhana tapi kadang lumayan membingungkan.
Menyambung dengan artikel sebelumnya tentang tellingthe time, sering ada pertanyaan apa perbedaan am dan pm dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menunjukkan waktu? Terkadang ketika menyetel waktu pada jam tangan ataupun komputer kita memilih waktu 24 jam, karena itu yang sederhana dan mudah. Tapi ketika memakai sistem 12 jam, muncul pilihan am atau pm ketika mengatur waktu. Kadang lupa ya?
Kita mulai bahasannya ya?
Am (ante meridiem) dan pm (post meridiem)
Ini perbedaan antara am dan pm
12 malam – 12 siang
12 siang – 12 malam

Mudah ya? Berikut contohnya:
02.00 am        = jam 2 pagi
07.00 am        = jam 7 pagi
08.00 am        = jam 8 pagi
11.00 am        = jam 11 siang

Pm contohnya:
02.00 pm        = jam 2 siang
05.00 pm        = jam 5 sore
08.00 pm        = jam 8 malam
10.00 pm        = jam 10 malam
11.00 pm        = jam 11 malam
Selamat belajar dan semoga bermanfaat

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Perbedaan artikel a/an dan the

Hello, guys!
Kita akan bahas sedikit tentang artikel a/ an, dan the. Bagaimana cara membedakan keduanya dan bagaimana penggunaanya dalam kalimat. Kita mulai ya?!

Artikel a/an
Artikel a/an sebenarnya memiliki arti satu, sebuah, sepotong, seorang ataupunpun secarik. Jadi pada dasarnya a/an ini menunjukkan tunggal/ singular.
A pencil                       sebuah pensil
A teacher                    seorang guru

Artikel a digunakan di depan kata benda yang huruf depannya konsonan (huruf selain a,i,u,e,o).
A classroom                sebuah kelas
A blackboard              sebuah papan tulis

Artikel an digunakan di depan kata benda yang huruf depannya vokal (a,i, u,e,o)
An egg                         sebutir telur
An elephant                seekor gajah
An umbrella                sebuah paying
Cukup jelas ya?

Tapi ingat ada beberapa kata seperti
University       memakai         a university  (sebuah perguruan tinggi/ universitas)
Kenapa memakai artikel a padahal kata university diawali oleh vokal? Karena bunyi u pada university dibaca seperti y maka dianggap konsonan, sehingga memakai artikel a.
Hour               memakai         an hour (satu jam)
Kata hour walaupun diawali oleh konsonan tapi h pada kata hour adalah soundless artinya seolah-olah tidak ada, maka artikel yang digunakannya adalah an.

Artikel the

Artikel the biasa disebut juga dengan definite article. The ini digunakan untuk kata benda tunggal/singular dan juga jamak/ plural. Ada beberapa penggunaan the, antara lain :

a.         the digunakan untuk benda/ hal  yang unik.
            The sun, the moon, the 21st century.
b.         the digunakan untuk menyebutkan benda untuk kedua kalinya atau benda yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya.
            There is a table in the living room. the table is big and beautiful.
c.          the dipakai di depan nama tempat geografis.
            The Gobi Desert, the Himalayas, the Atlantic Ocean.
d.         the juga dipakai di depan sebuah grup/ kelompok orang ataupun keluarga.
            The olds (para orang tua) , the poor (si miskin), the Smiths (keluarga Smith) , the Fishers                  (keluarga Fisher)

Gampang kan? Semoga bermanfaat.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Penilaian Akhir Tahun Kelas VII

berikut ini saya berikan contoh soal penilaian Akhir Tahun SMP Kelas VII (Tujuh). siapa
tahu ada yang membutuhkan untuk latihan.

I.                   Choose the correct answer!
The following text is for question number 1 – 3

The astronaut
An astronaut is a space traveler. Astronauts fly into space on spaceships. Astronauts receive intense training. Pilots must be able to control all spacecraft system and deal with emergencies. They may need to make course changes or dock with a space station. They must be able to land spacecraft. Mission specialists are expert on particular experiments. Any astronauts may have to perform duties in a space suit outside the craft.

1.      The kind of the text above is …
a.       Descriptive text                                                      c. announcement
b.      Narrative text                                                         d. Procedure text

2.      An astronaut must be able to …
a.       Receive intense training about the space                c. perform duty inside the craft
b.      Make course changes with space station                d. control all spacecraft system
3.      The text above mostly tells us about …
a.       Spacecraft system                                                  c. an astronaut
b.      A space station                                                      d. an expert pilot

The following text is for question number 4 - 6

Boiling eggs is one of the easiest ways to prepare them. Follow the steps.
First of all, place the raw egg in a saucepan. Second, run could water into the saucepan until the water is 1 inch above the egg. After that, place the saucepan on a stove and cook over medium heat until the water begins to boil.
The next, don’t forget to reduce the heat to low. Then, simmer for 2 to 3 minutes for soft-boiled eggs or 10 to 15 minutes for hard-boiled eggs.
Finally, remove the egg with a spoon or ladle and let it cool slowly, or run cold water over it to cool it more quickly.

  4.      The purpose of the text is …
a.       To remove the egg                                                 c. cook over the medium eggs
b.      To boil eggs                                                           d. to place the raw egg in a saucepan

5.      How to make boiled egg cool quickly?
a.       Cook the eggs for 15 minutes                                c. place in a saucepan
b.      Run cold water                                                      d. remove the egg with a spoon

6.      “… the easiest ways to prepare them.” Them refers to …
a.       Ways                                                                     c. saucepans
b.      Eggs                                                                       d. steps

The following text is for question number 7 - 10

News Reading Contest will be held on
Monday, December 15th, 2016
At 08.00 – 12.00
Place: Sports Hall
Each class may send up to 3 participants. Those must be the best students in the class. The reading text is available at the day of the contest, thirty minutes before.

The students’ leader

 7.      The kind of the text above is …
a.       Procedure text                                                        c. announcement
b.      Narrative text                                                         d. descriptive text

8.      What event will be held in sport Hall?
a.       Class participants                                                   c. Sport Contest
b.      News Reading Contest                                           d. News Report Contest

9.      When the participants get the material for the contest?
a.       at the day of the contest                                         c. at Sport Hall
b.      thirty minutes before the contest                            d. at 08.00 – 12.00

10.  Who wrote the text above?
a.       Students’ leader                                                     c. the three participants
b.      The best students                                                   d. all the participants

The following text is for question number 11 - 13

Congratulation, Ria.
You got the highest score on English test this semester. You must have studied hard for it.
You are really great. I am very proud of you.

11.  What kind of the text above?
a.       Announcement                                                      c. Short message
b.      Invitation card                                                       d. Congratulation card

12.  From the text, we know that …
a.       Ria is a great friend of Sonny                                c. Ria studied English for the test
b.      Sonny got the highest score                                               d. Ria won English contest

13.  The purpose of the text is …
a.       To wish someone’s luck                                        c. to congratulate someone
b.      To apologize to someone                                       d. to be proud of someone’s success

The following text is for question number 14 - 16

Zulfa      : Wina, do you have some sugar?
Wina      : what? I can’t hear you.
Zulfa      : I said do you have some sugar?
Wina      : oh, yes. Do you want it?
Zulfa      : Yes. I need it to make sweet tea.
Wina      :  it is in cupboard next to the refrigerator. Just take it.
Zulfa      : Alright. Thank you.

14.  The italic expression express …
a.       Asking clarification                                                           c. giving clarification
b.      Asking opinion                                                      d. giving opinion

15.  From the text we know that …
a.       Wina does not have the sugar                                c. Zulfa did not hear Wina
b.      Wina allowed Zulfa to take the sugar                     d. Zulfa asked sweet tea

16.  Where is the sugar?
a.       It is in the refrigerator                                            c. it is in the cup
b.      It is in the cupboard                                                           d. it is next to the refrigerator

To: my beloved niece, Diny
May your degree unlock many doors to success, to happy endings and new beginning.
Your aunty

The text is for question number 17 - 18

17.  The synonym of the word of unlock is …
a.       Open                                                                      c. close
b.      Remove                                                                 d. recap

18.  Liana is …
a.       Diny’s aunt                                                                        c. someone who unlocks the doors
b.      Your aunty                                                                        d. someone who graduates from school

Affa       : Do you know Dian Sastro?
Iwan      : Dian Sastro? Are you kidding me? Everybody knows her. She is a very famous artist.
Affa       : Yes, you are right. I just met her yesterday and I got a picture with her.
Iwan      : Really? oh, I always want to take a picture with her. She is beautiful and great artist.
The following text is for question number 19 - 20

19.  The italic sentence in the dialogue above shows the expressions of …
a.       Asking opinion                                                      c. showing like and dislike
b.      Asking for things                                                   d. giving service

20.  From the text, we know that …
a.       Affa was kiiding Iwan.                                          c. Iwan met Dian Sastro
b.      Iwan likes Dian Sastro                                           d. Iwan got Dian Sastro’s picture

The following text is for question number 21 – 24

Yuta is one of the 150 international students at the ELC of Brigham Young University. He is from Japan. He grew up in Japan, and he is 19 years old. There are six people in his family, a father, a mother, three sisters and himself. He is the youngest in his family. He is also the only boy in his family, but now he is in Provo, Utah, studying English. Yuta likes the United States very much and he thinks everything is cheap. Yuta thinks his English classes are excellent and the teachers are professionals. Yuta thinks someone in his class is noisy so he doesn’t like that. In his free time sleeping, so it seems that he has a sleeping sickness.

21.  How many women in Yuta’s family?
a.       There six people                                                    c. there are four women
b.      There three sisters                                                  d. there are four sisters

22.  Something that make Yuta dislikes English class is …
a.       His teacher is professional.                                                c. someone who is noisy in his class
b.      His friends are excellent.                                       d. someone is sleeping in his class

23.  Yuta uses much of his leasure time to …
a.       Hang out with his friends                                       c. relax in his place
b.      Eat in his class                                                       d. sleep

24.  Yuta likes the United States because …
a.       He thinks everything is cheap.                               c. the classes are excellent
b.      He has sleeping sickness                                        d. he is studying English.

The following text is for question number 25 - 30

Ingredients:                                                                       Materials:
-          3 – 4 spoonful of flour                                    -      1 mixing bowl
-          2 eggs                                                                   -      2 table spoons
-          1 ½ (250 ml) of milk                                         -      2 cups
-          1 stick of butter                                                -      1 small pan

Put the flour in the bowl.                                             Heat up the pan and put the butter
Put milk in a cup.                                                              Put the mix in the pan
Make sure it’s 250 ml of milk                                       let the pancake mix cook about 5 minutes
Put the milk in the bowl                                                                flip pancake over when the top is brown
Break the 2 eggs into the bowl                                   and your pancake is ready to be served
Mix it with spoon
25.  The kind of the text above is …
a.       Descriptive text                                                      c. report text
b.      Narrative text                                                         d. procedure text

26.  The order of generic structure of the text above is …
a.       Goal – steps – materials                                         c. materials – goal – steps
b.      Steps – goal – materials                                         d. goal – ingredients – steps

27.  After breaking the eggs, what should we do …
a.       Heat up the pan                                                     c. mix it with spoon
b.      Put the butter                                                         d. flip the pancake

28.  How many steps are there in making pancake? There are …
a.       Ten steps                                                               c. twelve steps
b.      Eleven steps                                                           d. thirteen steps

29.  Pancake is more delicious when it’s …
a.       Hot                                                                        c. warm
b.      Cold                                                                       d. cool

30.  When you should flip the pancake?
a.       When the pancake turns brown                             c. when you put the pancake
b.      When it is hot                                                        d. when the pancake is ready

The following text is for question number 31 - 34 

My house
I have a simple and comfortable house. The wall is white. It has garden. It is a single stair house. It has a living room, three bed rooms, a dining room, a kitchen, a bath room and a garage.  There are television, sofa, telephone, and a buffet in the living room. We have three fans because we don’t have air conditioner.  There is a small pond at the back of the house. My father put some fish inside it. We always clean the house together. We don’t have a housemaid. That’s why my house clean and comfortable.

31.  What kind of the text above?
a.       Narrative text                                                         c. Procedure text
b.      Descriptive text                                                      d. functional text

32.  The true statement based on the text above is …
a.       The writer’s house has many rooms and there is an attic.
b.      There are eight rooms in the writer’s house.
c.       They have pool at the back for swimming.
d.      They watch television in their own bed rooms.

33.  “ … put some fish inside it.”(line 4) it refers to …
a.       A small pond at the back.                                      c. a buffet in the living room
b.      Air conditioner                                                      d. three fans

34.  They clean the house together because …
a.       The house is simple and comfortable.                   c. they don’t have a housemaid.
b.      They don’t have air conditioner.                            d. they have three fans.

35.  Lia       : Do you like Pizza?
Deni     : No, I don’t like it.
The underlined sentence is an expression of …
a.       Like                                                                       c. giving thing
b.      Dislike                                                                   d. asking thing

The following dialogue is for question number 36

Zulfan   : Our new English teacher just came from Bandung. Her name is Miss Jean. Have   you seen her?
Affan     : Yes. I have. I met her yesterday. We talked about the class.
Zulfan   : So, what do you think of her?
Affan     : Well. She looks so smart and I think she is a kind person.
Zulfan   : Yes. I agree with you.

36.  An expression of giving opinion is …
a.       Have you seen her?                                                           c. I think she is a kind person.
b.      What do you think of her?                                     d. I agree with you.

The dialogue is for number 37 – 38

Lina     ; Do you think that this place is nice?
Yuli     : Exactly. I has a great view.
Lina     : I think so. I love it so much.

37.  from the text above, we know that …
a.       Both of them like that place.                                              c. They ask for their opinion. 
b.      Yuli doesn’t want to be there.                                d. Lina agrees with Yuli.

38.  The underlined sentence in dialogue above is an expression of …
a.       Giving service                                                        c. giving opinion
b.      Asking for service                                                 d. asking for opinion

39.  girl – with – hair – beautiful – she – wavy – a – is – long   
1         2        3          4              5         6       7     8      9
a.       5 – 8 – 7 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 9 – 6                            c. 5 – 8 – 7 – 4 – 9 – 6 – 3 – 2 – 1
b.      5 – 8 – 7 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 9                            d. 5 – 8 – 7 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 9 – 6 – 3

40.  They … the lesson yesterday morning.
a.       Understand                                                                        c. understanding
b.      Understood                                                                        d. understands